West Chicago Park District Summer Camps Registration
Make this summer unforgettable at West Chicago Park District’s exciting Youth Summer Camps!
Save 5% on registration fees.
Register now using the coupon code “CAMP2024”
From Camp Keppler (Ages 3-5) to Camp WeGo (Ages 6-13), every day is a new adventure filled with sports, group games, arts and crafts, outdoor fun, and much more!
Redemption Instructions
Register now using the coupon code “CAMP2024” Save 5% on registration fees
Register through our online registration system (WebTrac)
or Write the code on the PDF/printable form. Download Form
Offer based on availability. Not to be combined with any other discount or offer.
Offer ends April 30, 2024.
West Chicago Park District
201 West National Street
West Chicago, IL 60185
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